Remember Zetaboards?

3 Replies, 763 Views

One of my favorite free forum hosts was Zetaboards. I remember coming across the site sometime in 2010 or so and I really liked the style of the forum. If I discovered it before Forumotion, I would have made my very first forum on that platform. Sadly the owner of the site ended up selling it to Tapatalk, there was a host that was going to be similar to Zetaboards but it seems that the project may be abandoned. It was called Forum Spark, it's a shame I think it could have been the spiritual successor to Zetaboards.
I never actually used Zetaboards myself but I remember hearing a lot about it and seeing a lot of forums using it back in the day. It's a shame that they sold/closed it because it was a great resource used by many.
This was such a good platform and community. Shame Brandon sold it to TapaTalk.
How could I not remember? I was an active contributor for almost a decade. I do miss ZetaBoards as a whole and the type of features it had, but I have moved on for the most part. I realize ZetaBoards is just a part of my forum history that is now literally history.

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