What phone do you have?

3 Replies, 814 Views

What phone do you have? Do you like your phone or would you like to upgrade it? 

I currently have an iPhone 14 Pro. It works perfectly fine and I can’t ask for much more in a phone so I don’t think I will be upgrading any time soon.
I've stated somewhere else on this site
( https://zippypromotion.com/showthread.php?tid=17 )

That I got an iPhone. My personal one is a 12 pro max and my work on is a 14.

I'll be upgrading my personal one to an android soon Wink
I have an iPhone 11, I feel so outdated, but it still runs smoothly for me.
I've got Apples and Androids and Apple is easiest for sure to use but the Androids are easier to customize every little aspect of...I mean if I had to choose only one to use forever it has to be Apple just because it's so convenient to use and work with...the Android or fun to mess with and customize and has more apps etc such as the FOSS F-DROID app store etc but even though Apple is locked to only whatever Apple approves it's the ease of use that keeps me from choosing the more customizable Androids...

Whores...God Bless 'Em Big Grin

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