Good looks or a great personality?

4 Replies, 710 Views

Do people fall in love with good looks or a great personality?

What about you?

Which is more important? Why?
I tend to fall for people in both categories myself. Looks aren't everything, if she is hot but doesn't have a good personality I just couldn't date her. Thankfully my spouse is good looking and has a great personality, in fact they're too nice to some people IMO and unfortunately would get taken advantage of in the past by other people, but I helped them with that.
Well, both can happen. Good looks can grab one's attention, but real love takes time to cultivate.

"Falling in love" should be a process. If you fall into something instantly, it's probably a trap, lol.
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I always felt that people fall in love due to looks but stay in love due to personalities.
I like the personality if she's cute it's a plus but I am not the type of guy that really cares about looks.

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